Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Interview with an Activist

Yesterday December 16th I attended a rally to protest against the Australian Governments announcement that it would raise the white flag on climate change. Earlier I had sent the following open letter/email to the Prime Minister Mr. Kevin Rudd (I will not refer to him as the Hon. Kevin Rudd PM of Australia)

Prime Minister - You have missed your opportunity to be the Statesman we need on creating a safe future of our children and theirs. I am saddened that you continue with the decade of denial by the Liberals with what now seems to be continued protracted procrastination. We have 20/20 hindsight of which it is said we can be wise. We have 20/20 foresight on the future we face - on the path we are on. It appears you wish to fail to be wise.
Bob Williamson
Founder and Chair
Greenhouse Neutral Foundation
Author of ZERO Greenhouse Emissions - The Day the Lights Went Out - Our Future World Published by Strategic Book Publishing New York.

While standing with others gathered to register our joint protests, I took the opportunity to alert those there to the release of my book, reviewed as 'What they would rather YOU didn't know about Climate Change' It is a book to inspire in the common man the desire to become part of the solution on climate change as we are most certainly part of the problem.

At the end of the rally a young lady in her 20's came up to me. Introducing herself as Emma I was impressed with her passion to become involved. It was obvious to me that she was intelligent and motivated, but her question touched me; "I want to do something, but I don't know how and I'm not sure I could make a difference as a single person (voice)." 'How did you do it?"

I told her some of our journey, which is what I call, 'our overnight success that took us a decade'.

On reflection; there are many journeys such as ours, many activists like me and my family who are making a difference with the voice of one. They too could guide Emma and others like her to become instrumental in the changes we need to urgently achieve. They too could motivate others with their stories and they too could inspire the many Emma's out there with their words, actions and visions.

So here is my challenge;
Seek out these people; write their inspirational stories in 'An Interview With An Activist' series of blogs.

Help the many Emma's to become the power of one voice.

As I say in the book introduction:-

Feel no guilt for being part of the problem, but feel responsible and inspired to be part of a solution. A few great men and women may start out being the power of one, but no single great man, no single great woman, from the start of history or into the future, will make a change without collective will.

We need collective will, collective effort, and collective vision, for our collective future.

You and Yours. Me and Mine. Them and Theirs.

Are you such an inspirational activist with a story to tell and an Emma to guide?

If so get in touch for 'An Interview With An Activist'.

Bob Williamson



Great idea, and especially for young people like Emma to read and get energy from.....


Adam Shake said...

Followed you over from Twitter, and after reading this article, I'll be coming back for more.

Thanks for being active in the first person. We need more of you out there, fighting the good fight.

O.k., I'm going to look around now, until next time,

Adam Shake